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All Things WebSphere

Concerns and issues relating to all versions of WebSphere Application Server

Friday, August 5, 2011


Configure WebSphere Application Server Dynacache and Session persistence to use WebSphere eXtreme Scale

Please see instructions below on how to configure Dynacache to leverage WXS instead of the default caching engine. I have also provided links for detailed instructions if you get confused or stuck/
Video  eXtreme Scale  Wiki  Configuring cache integration
Redbook chapter on integrating WXS with Dynacache in the context of WebSphere Commerce
Configure WebSphere Commerce to use WebSphere eXtreme Scale for dynamic cache to improve performance and scale

You will also be interested in configuring session persistence with WXS.
Infocenter  Configuring the HTTP session manager with WebSphere Application Server
Attention: With Version and later, you can persist sessions that use URL rewriting or cookies as a session tracking mechanism. Before Version, you can save only sessions that use cookies as the session tracking mechanism to the data grid.


1. Install & Set up an WXS 7 grid (Catalog server and other XS containers that host the cache) . The latest WXS version has an admin console for monitoring. Please install the latest WXS 7 fix pack before proceeding. 

2. Augment the WAS profile with the WXS client

3.  Configure the dmap to use extreme scale 
Basically add the following properties to the map where we create the dmap
com.ibm.ws.cache.CacheConfig.enableCacheReplication  = true
com.ibm.ws.cache.CacheConfig.cacheProviderName = com.ibm.ws.objectgrid.dynacache.CacheProviderImpl 
com.ibm.websphere.xs.dynacache.topology = remote
com.ibm.websphere.xs.dynacache.num_initial_containers = 1

4. [optional] XS does not place replica and primary shards on containers that have the same IP address (unless the configuration is in development mode). If ALL your XS containers are on one physical machine or node you will need to set development=true. In the deployment policy descriptor XML file after WXS client is installed  i.e. $WAS-HOME/optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid/dynacache/etc/dynacache-remote-deployment.xml set developmentMode to true

developmentMode="false" --> true
  <map ref="IBM_DC_PARTITIONED_.*" />



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