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All Things WebSphere

Concerns and issues relating to all versions of WebSphere Application Server

Thursday, May 31, 2012


WebSphere Application Server V8.5 delivers a faster, flexible development environment with new intelligent management capabilities for enhanced resiliency

The next version of WebSphere Application Server has been announced. At a glance Enhancements in V8.5:
See the announcement in detail here

If you prefer downloading a pdf. checkout

Thursday, May 24, 2012


JSF vs Wicket Performance web framework performance

Interested in improving JSF performance or looking at JSF performance under the hood take a look at

From Leonardo Uribe  

To show how good was the improvements done, an in-deep comparison was done between JSF 2 and Wicket. The code, detailed documentation, experimental data and all related information is available here:

Source code, experimental data and other goodies:

Detailed document:

This results were part of the CONFESS 2012, celebrated some weeks ago.
http://www.con-fess.com In the session called "MyFaces -50% RAM".

Friday, May 18, 2012


WebSphere Application Server Top 10(+2) Tuning Recommendations

One of the most popular sessions at  IMPACT 2012 was tuning recommendations for WebSphere Application Server. These are the top 12 tuning recommendations for WAS

#12 - Choose and Tune the Caches Correctly
#11- Understand and Follow Multi-core & Virtualization Guidelines
#10 - Properly Tune the Operating System
#9 – Keep Application Logging to a Minimum
#8 – Understand and Tune Infrastructure
#7 – Minimize HTTP Session Content
#6 – Correctly Tune Thread Pools
#5 –Tune JDBC Data Sources
#4 –Create Cells To Group Similar Applications
#3 – Ensure Uniform Configuration Across Like Servers
#2 – Correctly Tune The JVM
#1 – Perform Proper Load Testing

 For more information request for the slide deck from your local IBM rep.


How to speed up annotation processing in WAS V7/V8

There are a number of options to speed up annotations processing -
Those are mentioned in this technote...

1. Specify ​metadata-complete="true"​ in the Deployment Descriptor.  This means that NO annotation scanning will take place.

2. Move 3rd party jars that don't need to be scanned for annotations outside of the EAR into a Shared Lib,

3. Specify 3rd party jars  (from Spring and Hibernate) in the amm.filter.properties file.

4. Utilize echniques listed in the blog post on Performance considerations for deploying very large Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) applications

5. Reducing annotation searches during application deployment

6. org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.commonarchivecore.FILTERBINARIES  - A custom property that provides a list of files and directories that should not be processed as a part of the server start process.

Read more »

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Java EE & OSGI vs Spring Framework Resources

Provided below are excellent blogs, articles and videos that assist in migrating from the Spring Framework to Java EE and OSGi

Why is Java EE 6 better than Spring ? By Arun Gupta

Why I will use Java EE (JEE, and not J2EE) instead of Spring in new Enterprise Java Projects in 2012 By Kai Wahner

Spring to Java EE Migration By David Heffelfinger 
Part 1 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/springtojavaee-522240.html
Part 2 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/springtojavaee2-1414289.html
Part 3 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/java/springtojavaee3-1569377.html

Spring to Java EE – A Migration Experience By Lincoln Baxter III

Free videos on Spring to Java EE migration on http://parleys.com
Migrating Spring to Java EE6 http://www.parleys.com/#st=5&id=2749&sl=1
JavaEE vs Spring Framework shootout http://www.parleys.com/#st=5&id=2819&sl=0

Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6 – By Bert Ertman  and Paul Bakker of Luminis
Part 1 http://howtojboss.com/2012/04/17/article-series-migrating-spring-applications-to-java-ee-6-part-1/
Part 2 http://howtojboss.com/2012/04/17/article-series-migrating-spring-applications-to-java-ee-6-part-2/

Migrating from the Spring Framework to OSGi - By Valentin Mahrwald, Tim Ward, Zoe Slattery

Using Spring and Hibernate with WebSphere Application Server  - By Tom Alcott & others

Monday, May 14, 2012


IMPACT 2012 Presentations

    1163 Java EE vs. Spring Framework Shootout
     Session Code: TDP
     Program: Technology
     Track: Application Development
     Subtrack: Java Development and Programming Models
     Session Type: Lecture
     Level: Intermediate
This session compares the Spring and Java EE stacks in terms of Web frameworks. It re-examines the motivations behind the Spring framework and explores the emergence of the Java EE programming model to meet the challenges posed. The presentation provides insight into when Spring and/or Java EE is appropriate for building Web applications and if they can coexist.

1167 Patterns and Best Practices for Contexts for Dependency Injection
Session Code: TDP
Program: Technology
Track: Application Development
Subtrack: Java Development and Programming Models
Session Type: Lecture
Level: Intermediate
As the adoption of the Contexts for Dependency Injection (CDI) for Java Enterprise Edition Application Programming Interfaces grows, it is important to understand how to use CDI effectively to maximize the benefits of using a loosely coupled, type-safe, annotation-driven dependency injection solution. This session will cover best practices for using CDI, such as annotations versus XML, @Named as a qualifier, qualifier type safety versus verbosity, effective use of producers/disposers, using scopes properly, best practices for using conversations, defining effective stereotypes, interceptors versus decorators, static versus dynamic injection/lookup, using alternatives, CDI versus Java EE resource injection, using CDI with Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1, CDI/Java Server Faces (JSF) 2 integration patterns, and CDI/Java Persistence API (JPA) 2 usage pattern


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