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All Things WebSphere

Concerns and issues relating to all versions of WebSphere Application Server

Thursday, April 28, 2011


IMPACT 2011 Sessions

Recently I had an opportunity to present at IMPACT 2011 WebSphere Software group conference on various Java EE6 specifications that we have been working on in WebSphere Application Server 8. I also threw in my WebSphere eXtreme Scale pitch for free :).  All session slides are available here http://www.websphereusergroup.org/kelapure/blog/documents.one

Integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale to Boost the Value of...
This session presents the process, challenges, benefits and best practicesin integrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale (WXS) and the WebSphere DataPower XC10appliance with WebSphere stack middleware products includingWebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Commerce, WebSphere PortalServer, WebSphere Business Events and Rational Jazz-based products. WXS provides a powerful, elastic, high-performance solution for scalability issues through caching and grid technology. The session will also provide in-depth coverage of WXS infrastructure concepts including grid clients and servers, the grid catalog service, zone support, and scalability sizing considerations.

Getting started with Java Contexts and Dependency...
Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform (CDI) is one of key Java EE 6 features that help to knit together the web tier and the transactional tier of the Java EE platform. It is a set of services that, used together, makes it easy for developers to use enterprise beans along with JSF technology in web applications. This session will introduce you to fundamental concepts of CDI and explain how to leverage CDI in your application. The session is targeted to Java EE application developers, administrators and architects. The audience will walk away with an understanding of how to leverage CDI in a Java EE application, how to write a portable extension to CDI, and how to enable third party frameworks for CDI.

All things JSF 2.0: Features, Tooling, JSF-Dojo...
JSF 2.0 is a new specification that is part of the Java EE 6 technologies. This session will introduce you to the new features of JSF 2.0 and explain how you can leverage JSF in your Java EE and Portlet applications. The session will focus on three major themes: ease of development, performance improvements, and open source technology adoption. You will learn how the tools provided by Rational Application Developer make developing UI easier, as well as the JSF-Dojo component library that IBM is working on. This session is intended for Java EE developers, administrators, and architects.
Servlet 3.0 is a new specification that is part of the Java EE 6 technologies. This session will introduce you to the new features of Servlet 3.0 and explain how you can leverage them in your applications. The session will focus on two major themes: ease of development, and improving application scalability. This session is intended for Java EE developers, administrators, and architects.


WebSphere Application Server A walk in the clouds

Now that cloud and its enabling technologies like application, platform, software virtualization are hot and sexy, I am jumping on the bandwagon too :-) with some specific advice regarding WAS deployments in the cloud.

In order to leverage the full awesomeness of  your WAS virtualized deployment, it is critical to do the following :

Tuning WAS for idleness: WAS system components can sometimes be more chatty than teenagers aka in corporate speak WebSphere schedules timed events to check for system updates and the availability of other servers; keeping the entire infrastructure up-to-date and running flawlessly. There are several configurable timers and options which affect the amount of background processing during idle windows. It is critical to tune these timer threads and system daemons to reduce background processing within the application server. This helps the hypevervisor technology manage the guests better. It allows virtual images to swap in and out, thereby leading to better resource utilization and less over-commit. Follow the recommendations in the document below for tuning WAS, for idleness in dense virtual environments: 

Tune the JVM: In order to use Java effectively in the cloud you should avoid over commit, use less and share more.
Avoid over-commit
  •  Matching scenarios: sandbox, legacy systems
  •  Limits cost savings
Use Less
   •  Trade off some performance for memory
   •  Classic speed/space trade-off
   •  Easy - Just some Java command line tuning
Share More
   •  Requires multiple JVMs per Guest OS
   •  Easy – one additional Java command line option  -Xshareclasses

Enable class sharing between JVMs using the -Xshareclasses JVM argument. This reduces the physical RAM usage when running multiple JVMs and improved start-up time. This option is ONLY available on the IBM JDKs. The shared cache contains Application classes, Metadata (JIT data, class file locations, debug, ...) and Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled code which is shared across JVMs on the same guest OS. Tuning the shared class cache.

Select the right garbage collection policy i.e. optimize for throughput, pause time or short lived objects/web. Correctly set the heap sizes for your JVMs. Remember the maximum heap size setting should be 43% larger than the maximum occupancy of the application. Generally speaking, tune and restrict the JVM heap size to as small a value you can live with.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Problem Determination tools for WebSphere Application Server

The five recommended tools that every WebSphere Application Server sysadmin and developer should have in his arsenal to debug and resolve problems are
  • IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java 
    • Dump Analyzer 
    • Garbage Collection and Memory Visualizer (GCMV) 
    • Memory Analyzer (MAT)
    • Health Center
  • IBM Thread and Monitor Dump Analyzer for Java (TMDA) [Tech Preview]
When to apply these tools is summarized by the table below:
These tools can be obtained as free and fully supported add-ons to the IBM Support Assistant

See complete list of IBM Support Assistant tools:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


How to determine the version of WebSphere Application Server programatically

Often times it becomes critical in operational scripting or even in your application code to determine the current runtime version of WAS. The Server mbean provides exactly this facility.
Below is a set of wsadmin script commands using AdminControl that you can use to query the Server mbean.

wsadmin>set server [$AdminControl completeObjectName cell=smitaNode02Cell,node=smitaNode02,name=server1,type=Server,*]

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $server state

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $server platformName

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $server platformVersion

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $server serverVersion
IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time April 26, 2011 3:09:10 PM EDT

Product Directory        C:\WebSphere8\f1116.06
Version Directory        C:\WebSphere8\f1116.06\properties\version
DTD Directory            C:\WebSphere8\f1116.06\properties\version\dtd
Log Directory            C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\Installation Manager\logs

Product List
NDTRIAL                  installed

Installed Product
Name                  IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
ID                    NDTRIAL
Build Level           f1116.06
Build Date            4/19/11
Architecture          x86-64 (64 bit)
Installed Features    IBM 64-bit SDK for Java, Version 6

End Installation Status Report

wsadmin>$AdminControl getAttribute $server processType


This exact same code can be written in java as well using the AdminClient interface
See http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/0302_cundiff/cundiff.html
also http://alvinabad.wordpress.com/2009/02/15/automating-websphere-using-jmx/

With these tools in hand you can interrogate all the characteristics of your current WAS server :

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Free WebSphere Application Server for Developers

Today I want to highlight a free edition of WebSphere Application Server for Developers i.e. WAS4D

WAS4D is a standalone WebSphere Application Server development runtime which is
  • Free offering for projects that don't warrant the expense of a priced and supported runtime on the developer desktop.
  • Same as the WAS server type provided in Rational Application Developer for test and debug.
  • Identical to the production runtime environment your applications will eventually run on. 
  • Licensing restricted to development use only.
Please use WAS4D to develop your JEE applications for free :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


WebSphere Application Server HAManager Settings

Sometimes customers get conflicting advice on the WebSphere Application Server HAManager component like so ...
  1. I would enable HA on everything........ Even if applications aren't using it or don't need it, there are components/functions of WAS that rely on it 
  2. You can disable the HA Manager if the applications do not require it 
The two statements are less conflicting than they may appear. The points to consider when enabling or disabling HAManager with WebSphere are as follows:
  1. The HA Manager will use a certain amount of resources (CPU and memory).
  2. There are a number of WebSphere components (Memory-to-memory cache replication, Session memory persistence, Stateful Session Bean failover, Singleton failover, Workload management routing, On-demand configuration routing & transaction log failover) that use the HA Manager. These components will add their own resource usage on top of what the HA Manager uses by itself. Depending on the topology, that resource usage may be significant.
  3. New dependencies can be created on the HA Manager at any time. These dependencies may be added in the service streams (Feature in Service). While we strive to keep the list of dependencies (in the Info Center or Large Topology White Paper) up-to-date, new dependencies can be added without our knowledge.
  4. Customers may consider disabling the HA Manager to save resource.
Generally speaking, we don't recommend that customers disable the HA Manager. We do recommend applying the most current tuning. A number of customers have disabled the HA Manager and caused themselves problems. The most common symptom will be an application routing issue. If a customer decides to disable the HA Manager, proceed with caution. Realize that you may need to re-enable it in the future.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Updated version of "Best Practices for a Large WebSphere Topology"



JSF 1.2 Sun Reference Implementation eats too much memory in WebSphere Application Server

The com.sun.faces.util.LRUMap object can hold on to a lot of memory as this is used to hold the various JSF views in the session. There are two types of JSF Views stored in the session. Logical Views in session and Number of views in session: A logical view is a top level view that may have one or more actual views inside of it. This will be the case when you have a frameset, or an application that has multiple windows operating at the same time. The LOGICAL_VIEW_MAP map is an LRU Map which contains an entry for each logical view, up to the limit specified by the com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession parameter. Each entry in the LOGICAL_VIEW_MAP is an LRU Map, configured with the com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews parameter.

By default the number of views stored for each of these maps is 15. Therefore you can see how it could end up using a lot of memory. The value of com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession and com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews does not have to be "4", it can whatever you feel is adequate for your application.If either of these parameters are not in the application then it will store up to 15 view in the LRU Maps. Setting these values to something lower will result in lower memory usage by JSF.

The actual number depends on your application. Basically, if we can't find a JSF view in the session to restore we will create new one. In general, a complex application is one that would allow a user to move back and forth to pages (think something like a wizard), or an application that contains framesets or a lot of pop up windows. For example, if a pop up window is used to fill out some information and then click submit to go back to the original page... that would require storing more views in session.

But I've always found 15 to be a high number, especially if the views are large (contains quite a lot of JSF components and their state). One thing to remember is each LogicalView can contain the set number of Actual views. That is where the idea of a frameset comes in -- one logical view for the parent page, and the actual views are the different frames.

You can find more information at the following  link, starting with, "A comment on the numberOfXXX parameters."


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